Monday 1 June 2009

A photograph i like

This photograph I like very much and is one of my favourites photograph. It was taken in my last vacation, in one of the few places to I visited in that moment, 4 month ago approximately. In that occasion, my boyfriend’s family, my family and I went to the National Reserve “Río Clarillo”, located in Pirque, very near of my home, for celebrate the second anniversary with my boyfriend, Gustavo. Only my father could not go with we, because he had to go to work that day.

It was taken for my mother, and it was very hard, because we didn’t have batteries recharged in the camera and it turned on and off repeatedly.

In my photograph appear my boyfriend and I, after the lunch next to river, in the midst of many trees. It is very important for me, because it remind me beautiful moments with my family and with my boyfriend especially because we had fun playing cards, with the ball and laughing.